The culture and ambiance of your business starts with you, works its way to your staff, and eventually is passed onto your valued customers. This probably comes as no surprise to any seasoned supervisor or business owner. When your workers feel satisfied and recognized, with their hard work rewarded and their individual needs taken into consideration, every aspect of your company will flourish.

What does effective staff engagement look like?

On-point employee management leads to improved customer relationships because your staff are the face of your brand. A team of loyal, connected workers is not forged on the basis of gifts of promotional items or annual appreciation parties. The only way you truly can gain their loyalty is to earn it.

The bottom line is that the culture you create and maintain must be employee-centric. As a company owner, your focus should be on developing an ethos that gives your workers ways to set and achieve goals and thrive in the workplace. Staff members who feel integral to their jobsite are far more likely to go the extra mile for their boss, colleagues, and customers. What’s more, they are likely to stay longer.

Stop and think for a minute about your own experience as a consumer. No doubt, there was a time when you received assistance from a veteran salesperson who had an encyclopedic knowledge of the store, its history, and the products on display. Chances are excellent that you left with merchandise in hand, and it’s no surprise that you still remember that associate months or perhaps even years later.

The relationship between employee engagement and growth.

A highly motivated workforce tends to jump-start the overall growth of their company. When you think about it, this is not surprising. After all, investing in effective training modules and meeting one-on-one to help staff enhance their skills has direct, positive consequences that flow right back into your store. People who feel heard and recognized and believe themselves to be part of a forward-moving organization inspire the customers they meet to join in on the magic as well.

A step you can take today.

Creating this vital employee-centered culture involves a great deal of thought and hard work on your part, but there is one simple thing you can do in addition. The same point of sale (POS) solution that you use to process customer payments and keep tabs on your inventory also contains employee management tools.

Your POS already keeps track of your stock, including each item that is sold and to whom. You can also configure the system to give you details on the staff members who made the sales. As a result, you can view performance data, reward success, and address areas of concern that might otherwise escape your notice for days, weeks, or even months.

Additionally, your system allows you to take control of your employee scheduling. In real time and from anywhere, you can send email notifications about shift changes and upcoming hours, minimizing miscommunication and making each person accountable.

Are you ready to improve customer relationships in a way you may never have considered? Focus on optimizing each and every one of your employees, and the rewards will shower throughout your entire operation, including the all-important people who purchase your products and services and are ambassadors for your brand.

Contact NAB today and see how easy it is to get the merchant services you deserve.